
Welcome to a compilation of my favorite professional and personal projects! I am an engineer, designer, and maker with a B.S. and (come spring 2023) M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford. I have worked as a mechanical design engineer at Apple and Tesla, designing and building two custom connectors on Apple’s Interconnect team and a next-generation charging product on Tesla’s Residential Energy team. For the past two years, I have been a teaching assistant at the Stanford Product Realization Lab (PRL), where I am the welding specialist and also a classroom TA for ME128/318: Computer-Aided Product Realization, where I help students design for CNC machining, discover their personal brand of design, learn how to use CAM, and operate a CNC. I intend to continue building important and cutting-edge products throughout my career, with a focus on climate & sustainability and full cycle (concept to release) product development.

University email: tay17@stanford.edu

General email: laurenrht17@gmail.com

Phone: (360)305-8475

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ltaylor17/